Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I'm not stopping.

Things have slowed down since the original rush but I am still committed to throwing out what I don't need. I'm finding it easier each time I throw something out.

As space opens up from the pitching of trash, I'm seeing that I'm not using my space effectively. Things have been set down and left because that was easiest at the time but now other piles are growing up around the originals and I'm starting to feel like a spelunker navigating stalactites and stalagmites. (Okay, nothing hanging from the ceiling but I was headed that way.)

Case in point: my coffee table is a mess. Filled with papers, sewing tools, knitting accoutrements, The List and various books. Set up against three sides (the sides I can reach from the couch) are layers of knitting books and magazines and similar. Throw on top of this the detritus from the day's meal and a tabletop fan and there's really no point in pretending it's anything other than a personal dumping ground.

Just an arm's reach away from the coffee table is a bookshelf. Much of it is in constant use because I keep my DVDs and videos there but there's one shelf full of books I want to keep but do not read regularly. It's time for those to move. Either box them away or find another shelf for them but just get them off the high-rent space so I can put all the books leaning up against my coffee table there instead. I'll still be able to get to them when I need them and, with the space cleared off the coffee table, I can have a dedicated 'important mail' box so I can find my bills when I need them.

Now I'm boring myself. The point is, this is going to go on for a while and I'm in it for the long haul.

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