Sunday, October 10, 2010

First Bag & Bin

This is not my own idea. I culled it from one of the many books or websites on managing clutter. The process is this: You take a basket/bin/whatever and a garbage bag and, starting at one end of the house, you collect all the garbage in each room and anything in that room that does not belong there. As you go from room to room, you drop things off where they belong and collect those things which are misplaced. In theory, when you have completed the circuit, everything should be where it belongs and all garbage disposed of.

I would like to say this has solved everything. However, most of my apartment is so disordered that I was only able to do one room before the (large) bin was full. I think the important thing to remember when next I see that bin is that I am free to throw out anything in there. I do not have to find a place for each and every thing in that bin. Or rather, the place for some of those things is the garbage.

Someday I want to be able to bag & bin the whole apartment in an hour. Probably the easiest way to get to that point is to throw out a great deal more.

Why do I have so much stuff?


  1. If it makes you feel any better, I did something similar with my truck today, and my bin is full too.

  2. I do feel a little better!

    Now I just need to make sure I empty the bin instead of shoving it away somewhere and starting over with a new bin. :)
